Welcome to Integrity Care Services

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 08:30 am to 17:30 pm Contact : +233 501919191 / +233 503 000 018

Our Services

Checkout some of our specialised services

Ear, Nose and Throat Services (ENT)

Joining the queue to see an ear, nose or throat specialist can be very hectic. But at Integrity Care Services, with just a phone call, you are assured that not only will you escape the hustle and worrisome traffic on the road but have an uninterrupted one-on-one consultation with a specialist at the comfort of your home. Specialist care under this section may include;

Otoscopy examination 
Nasal examination 
Throat examination 
Syringing of the ear 
Removal of a foreign body in the ear
Education on ENT conditions 
Dressing of ENT wounds 

For Emergency calls

+233 501919191 / +233 503 000 018